Thursday Thirteen – more about me than you ever wanted to know

Thirteen Things about LARA 1. I am a total grammar geek (Hubby says Grammar Nazi). It drives me crazy when someone says that they’re doing “good”. I correct my children (gently) all the time – so much so that they don’t need much correcting anymore and have moved on to correcting others. Girl has taught … Continue reading “Thursday Thirteen – more about me than you ever wanted to know”

Thirteen Things about LARA

1. I am a total grammar geek (Hubby says Grammar Nazi). It drives me crazy when someone says that they’re doing “good”. I correct my children (gently) all the time – so much so that they don’t need much correcting anymore and have moved on to correcting others. Girl has taught her friends the difference between adjectives and adverbs and when it’s appropriate to use each. That’s what they discuss at the lunch table at school. I’m so proud.

2. Inclement weather both terrifies and excites me. I LOVE being safe at home during a blinding rainstorm or snowstorm or ice storm or tornado warning. I have a weather radio. I hate having to travel in bad weather, however. I am addicted to and check it every day before going out. Sometimes more than once.

3. My favorite TV shows are: “Top Chef” and “The Sopranos”. I also love just about anything on the History Channel. I just recently discovered “Lost” and am watching it as fast as I can on DVD so that I can catch up with the new season. I am very proud to say that I have never seen American Idol. I am absolutely uninterested. I also, although this is painfully embarassing to admit, love “Dog, The Bounty Hunter”. Also embarassing to admit is that our whole family loves to watch “America’s Funniest Videos” reruns together on Friday nights. We laugh our butts off.

4. I am an obsessive list-maker and organizational freak. A big dinner party or Thanksgiving Meal requires a 12-page document including menu, grocery list, RSVP lists, recipes and schedules of what goes in the oven when. I also put Post-It notes on my buffet table to show which dish will go where and I get the serving utensils out ahead of time.

5. I love running. And pushups. And crunches. And bicep curls. But mostly running.

6. I like designer sunglasses and expensive French scarves, but I buy lots of my other clothes from Target and Lands End. I also love eBay, but I don’t buy clothes there.

7. I love to play cards and board games. Especially Euchre. My car license plate is JJAKQ (the highest hand you can have in Euchre). Our three cats are named Ace, Jack and Queen. I love to play a game we call “I Doubt It” (more commonly known as “Bull***t”). Boy can win this game against anyone. Behind that angelic, blue-eyed, dimpled face is a very convincing bluffer. He may grow up to be a very successful con man…..or maybe he will someday win the World Poker Tour. Again, I’m so very proud.

8. I love gangster movies, the more violent the better: Scarface, Pulp Fiction. My all-time favorite movie EVER IN THE WORLD is GoodFellas. Ray Liotta…..(swoon). I also love Fletch and Animal House and total sleeper (featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper) called They Live.

9. I think old, bald guys are incredibly sexy: Ed Harris, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Robert Duval, etc. Especially Robert Duval, even though he’s old enough to be my grandfather. Did you know that he can tango?

10. I love collecting dishes (different types of the same pattern) and can serve 12 people 7 courses without washing a single dish. I recently got bread and butter plates in my “everyday” pattern and was so excited that it was the first thing that I told Hubby when he returned from a week-long business trip – “Look, honey….bread plates!”. I did give him a welcome-home kiss first. I think.

11. I love 80s British Pop, especially Squeeze (also XTC, The Pistols, Buzzcocks, etc.). I think Danny Elfman is a genius and can sing every Oingo Boingo song by heart. I also love Sam Cooke and The Supremes. I feel VERY old when that AARP commercial comes on – the one with the Buzzcocks’ “Everybody’s Happy Nowadays”. I need to find some NEW music to like. Lily Allen has some potential…..

12. I love downhill snow skiing. So fast that I could go tumbling down the mountain at any moment and break every bone in my body.

13. I try really hard to be an environmentalist and recycle everything that I possibly can (junk mail and paper, plastic containers, glass). I even take my hangers back to the dry cleaners and plastic bags (and the plastic wrap that comes on magazines and toilet paper, etc.) back to the grocery store……but I still feel guilty because I use plastic water bottles, plastic baggies and disposable milk boxes in my kids’ lunches and I drive an SUV (although it is a smallish SUV).

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

3 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen – more about me than you ever wanted to know”

  1. Yes, Richard, I am, indeed, fond of that book. Girl (my daughter) really loves it, too. She is dying to read Lynne Truss’ next book (I think it’s called “Talk to the Hand…” – sorry, forgive the quotes – I don’t know how to underline in comments), but it’s just not QUITE appropriate for someone her age. I may let her read it, anyway. It’s thought-provoking, but it’s not as funny as “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”. Tell your sister that I said, “Hello”. I think that I would like her.

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