Inspired by the Dr. Suess book: Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
Boy and Girl have both done this activity in various classes over the years and loved it. I cleaned out my pantry over the weekend and discovered that I had an extra box of corn starch, so I let them have at it!
Clean Pantry:
In a large bowl, gently mix 12 drops of food coloring and 1 cup of water. Carefully pour (don’t splash!) in one 16-oz box of corn starch and gradually add 3/4 cup more water, mixing from the bottom up with your (or your child’s) hands until the consistency is “gloopy”. Try quickly and gently pressing your fingers across the top surface – they won’t be able to go in, but if you push more firmly and slowly, they will – weird! This is great fun for kids, but be careful with the leftovers – do NOT put them down your pipes. We rinsed off the utensils and bowls (and hands) outside with the hose.
Obviously, Girl and Boy had fun with this stuff: